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  • {"google":["Open Sans"],"custom":["Nanum Barun Gothic","Noto Sans KR","SCDream"]}
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      Equipment division


      Equipment division

    반도체 장비

    Test Handler

    ▣ Equipment used in the semiconductor post-process

    package, supplying semiconductor chips to the main

    inspection equipment, and automation equipment that

    classifies good and defective products according to

    grades based on inspection results

    Flip Chip CST Loader

    Chip Mounted PCB Transport Equipment

    Auto Visual Inspection

    Finished PKG Visual Inspector

    EMC automatic supply


    Post-PKG process EMC conveying equipment

    ▣ Research, design, and assembly Turnkey Biz progresses

    to create products requested by customers.

    · Mobile Display Inspection

    Cell inspector-Inspection equipment for dents / scratches

    / foreign matter / dimensions / pressing / folding of Mobile


    Photo Bake

    Heat treatment after coating equipment

    [ Hot / Cool Plate system ] --- S社


    OLED Inkjet Printing equipment --- S社

    KL Automatic Laser Marking System

    · Features and Advantages

    - High-speed Marking

    - 1D, 2D Barcode, text, logo, etc.

    - In-Line configuration and stand alone type


    - Equipped with high-performance ionizer

    - Use of high performance fume dust collector

    - Fiducial recognition and barcode inspection using


    ▣ ABS Sensor Assembly

    Cable Cutting M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자012분 전
    Cable Compacting M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자013분 전
    Spot Welding M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자015분 전
    Turn Table M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자016분 전
    소유자019분 전
    Hall IC Bending Insert M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자0112분 전
    Magnet & Pole-piece Insert M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자021시간 전
    STUD & REEL, PINION Assembly M/C (Car cluster)
    소유자011시간 전
    Adhesive Tape M/C (car cluster)
    소유자011시간 전
    Cable Grinding M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자011시간 전


    Semiconductor equipment

    ▣ Equipment used in the semiconductor post-processing package, supplying semiconductor chips as main inspection equipment, and automation equipment that classifies good and defective products according to grades based on inspection results

    Flip Chip CST Loader

    Chip Mounted PCB Transport Equipment

    Auto Visual Inspection

    Finished PKG Visual Inspector

    EMC automatic supply device

    Post-PKG process EMC conveying equipment

    Display equipment

    ▣ Research, design, and assembly Turnkey Biz progresses to create products requested by customers.

    · Mobile Display Inspection

    Cell Inspector - Inspection equipment for dents/scratches/foreign matter/dimensions/pressing/folding of mobile OLED

    Photo Bake

    Heat treatment after coating equipment

    [ Hot / Cool Plate system ] --- S社


    OLED Inkjet Printing equipment --- S社


    Automation equipment

    · Features and Advantages

    - High-speed Marking

    - 1D, 2D Barcode, text, logo, etc.

    - In-Line configuration and stand alone type


    - Equipped with high-performance ionizer

    - Use of high performance fume dust collector

    - Fiducial recognition and barcode inspection using


    ▣ ABS Sensor Assembly

    Cable Cutting M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자012분 전
    Cable Compacting M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자013분 전
    Spot Welding M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자015분 전
    Turn Table M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자016분 전
    소유자0110분 전
    Hall IC Bending Insert M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자0113분 전
    Magnet & Pole-piece Insert M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자021시간 전
    STUD & REEL, PINION Assembly M/C (Car cluster)
    소유자011시간 전
    Adhesive Tape M/C (car cluster)
    소유자011시간 전
    Cable Grinding M/C (ABS SENSOR)
    소유자011시간 전
    Performance checker(ABS SENSOR)
    소유자011시간 전
    Tie cutting machine(ABS SENSOR)
    소유자011시간 전
    Epoxy Poting M/C (ABS SENSOR)


    {"google":["Open Sans","Noto Sans"],"custom":["Nanum Barun Gothic","SCDream","Noto Sans KR","Jeju Gothic"]}{"google":["Open Sans","Oswald"],"custom":["Nanum Barun Gothic","SCDream","Noto Sans KR","Tmon Monsori","Jeju Gothic"]}
    {"google":["Open Sans"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","SCDream","Jeju Gothic"]}